Chapter 1480: Wishing You a lifetime of Peace (3)

“Don’t do it yet,”Gu Xin said. “I’ll go and talk to him first. Sometimes, when he’s stubborn, it’s hard to communicate with him.”

“Yes, it’s up to you.”Zhai Yi nodded.

Gu Xin smiled.

The car arrived at their destination very quickly.

Zhai Yi opened the car door for Gu Xin and helped her out. “Do you want me to carry you in?”

“I’m not that soft.”Gu Xin straightened her body.

“Don’t wear such high heels tomorrow,”Zhai Yi reprimanded.

“Okay.”Gu Xin nodded obediently. “I’ll go in then.”

“Little Xin.”Zhai Yi grabbed her body that was about to leave. He lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Gu Xin used her hand to block him. “I’m afraid that my dad is watching upstairs.”

Zhai Yi was stunned for a moment before he smiled. “Alright, I’ll let you off tonight.”

Gu Xin left Zhai Yi’s embrace, waved her hand, and limped back.

Zhai Yi looked at Gu Xin’s back.

Sometimes, he had a feeling that it was not... an illusion.