Chapter 1522 the wind and clouds draw the snake out of its hole (1)

After dinner at Ye Heng’s villa.

Gu Xin was very eager to pull ye Banxian to help her read her fortune.

Ye Banxian and Gu Xin sat in a tea room in the hall. The others were playing with Ye Heng’s son in the living room.

“Your birth characters,”ye Banxian asked.

Gu Xin quickly said it.

Ye Banxian nodded. There was a pair of reading glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose.

Gu Xin was a little nervous. She watched ye Banxian mumble, but she couldn’t understand what she was saying.

Ye banxian asked, “What are you?”


“What do you want to be now? For example, marriage, or luck?”

“Can’t both be counted?”Gu Xin asked.

Ye Banxian looked at Gu Xin again and nodded slightly. “Then let’s do it one at a time.”

“Yes, yes.”Gu Xin was very honest.

“Have you been a little impatient lately?”

“How do you know?”Gu Xin was very excited. “Did you calculate it?”

“I saw it.”Ye Banxian was cold.

Gu Xin was speechless.

Was half-immortal also this humorous?