Chapter 1528 stirring up the storm (7)

“I don’t know either. I only know that I need to send you back safely now,”Zhai an said, “Man Man, after you go back, stay at home and don’t come out. If cousin is safe, he will come back on his own. Qin Ao will always be in the villa to protect you. The people around him are also very skilled. Don’t worry.”

“Okay.”Lu man nodded.

In their world, she could only help Mo Xiuyuan the most by protecting herself.

She had always known this.

Zhai an nodded, and the car sped up again.

A few minutes later, Zhai an parked the car at the main entrance.

Qin Ao was already waiting at the door. Zhai an informed Qin ao, who nodded respectfully and escorted Lu man back to the villa.

Seeing that they had already entered, Zhai an stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

Gu Xin was holding onto the handrail. She was so nervous that she could not speak.

Zhai an sent Gu Xin straight to the GU family villa. “Get out of the car.”

“Zhai An, are you alright?”Gu Xin asked him in fear.