Chapter 1541 threats (1)

The sorrow of the Wen family.

Locked in the Wen family’s own courtyard.

With the departure of the commander-in-chief, the former glory of this place had come to an end in this place.

From now on, the Wen family in northern Xia would only have a history that people remembered, and there would be no future.

Minister Wen stood in the middle of the Wen family’s hall, unable to calm down for a long time.

During this period of time, one sad thing after another came one after another.

It was retribution.

All the Karma and retribution, bit by bit, came upon him, leaving behind an indestructible tragedy in his later years!

To the outside world.

But no one knew.

The deepest part of the political darkness was that people would always see the endless bright and beautiful and always whitewash the scales. In fact, no one knew if a certain day or a certain time had experienced a bloody storm.

The laws of the country were established outside of politicians.