Chapter 1562 the rising of the clouds test (4)

Qin zhengxiao had never suspected anything. The relationship between Mo Xiuyuan and Mo Yuanli who looked similar? !

Thinking about it.

Since Mo Xiuyuan dared to let Mo Yuanli get close to Qin Zhengxiao, he naturally had a way to make Mo Yuanli stay away from suspicion.

Mo Xiuyuan was more far-reaching than she thought.

However, she could not figure it out in a short while.

“What are you thinking about?”Qin Zhengxiao asked her.

“Nothing,”Lu man said. “I’m just a little flattered.”

Qin zhengxiao smiled. “Last night, you said that you have some use value, and it has nothing to do with Mo Xiu Yuan, right?”

Lu Man looked at him.

“I thought about it all night and suddenly felt that you still have some use value.”

Lu man frowned.

“I’ve long heard that you’ve done a lot of things in the business world, and easily brought the LU corporation back to life! Now, I want you to do something for me.”

“Tell me.”Lu Man remained calm.