Chapter 1564 wind and Cloud Test (6)

“You mean, I don’t have any skills to speak of?”

“No, I’m just telling you that I didn’t ask him how he would sell this land! My destination is why Barzel didn’t sell it to you?”Lu Man said, “Compared to whether he sells it or not, why he didn’t sell it to you seems to be more crucial.”

“What did he say?”

“He said that it’s because you’re not as handsome as him!”Lu Man Man was straightforward.

Qin Zhengxiao looked at Lu Man Man and could not help but laugh. “Lu Man Man, it’s rare that you know how to joke.”

Lu Man looked at Qin Zhengxiao’s appearance. “You’re indeed not as handsome as him.”

“So... You’re mesmerized by him?”

“No, I said that Mo Xiuyuan is more handsome,”Lu man said word by word.

“Why does it sound so harsh?”Qin zhengxiao rubbed his ears, feeling a little uncomfortable.