Chapter 1612 exposure of the wind and clouds (3)

There was no video of Qin Zhengxiao’s house. The traffic video surveillance started five kilometers away from Qin Zhengxiao’s house. Fortunately, this road was a necessary route for him to travel. He did not believe that.., he would let someone take Lu man away from the small road. He looked at the time. At around 8 o’clock, a suspicious black car drove out from inside. Zhai an had been following the route of the black car, she had been watching him walking in and out of the streets. It was obvious that he was deliberately going in circles to dazzle her. He would walk back and forth a few times on the route that he should have taken. If it were not for the willpower of an ordinary person.., he would have lost his mind long ago.

He took a deep breath and pressed the pause button. He allowed his eyes to rest for a minute before continuing.

The car continued to drive forward.

It circled around.