Chapter 1694 the wind is blowing in the building when a storm is coming (2)

“I don’t care what you say. Anyway, from now on, I’m your sister. If you don’t protect me from now on, I’ll kill you!”

”...”Ye Heng was speechless.

“By the way, it’s rare for you to come back. Why are you sitting on the sofa? Why Don’t you go and see your son and wife! “Only Yaoyao still takes care of your child. If it were me, I would have cuckolded you a long time ago!”Gu Xin said as she walked in, “The half-immortal is upstairs, right?”

Ye Heng nodded.

Gu Xin went upstairs directly. She was really casual.

Ye Heng looked at Gu Xin’s back. If this girl didn’t do PR, it would be a waste of her talent.

He leaned on the sofa a little tired.

In the afternoon, Ah Xiu suddenly received a notice to leave Wen City. He was supposed to accompany him, but Ah Xiu told him to stay in Wen City for two more days as a vacation, so he stayed.

After he came back, he quarreled with his father.

Anyway, he was used to the two of them quarreling whenever they had a disagreement.