Chapter 1738 I Understand You (7)

“Well, this is the reason why I have not taken any action. We Don’t need to expend too much energy when someone is making a wedding dress,”Zhai an said word by word.

“Okay, I believe you.”Zhai Hong still had a positive attitude toward the business ability that Zhai an had discovered after a long period of time.

“But dad,”zhai an said, “Money is very important for the acquisition of Gu Enterprise. Our only advantage is that we should be richer than Zhai Yi.”

“Don’t worry. I have already contacted the major banks. If you need money, you can tell me in advance. I will ask the banks to allocate the funds.”

“Okay.”Zhai an nodded.

For the banks to allocate the funds, Zhai Hong must have used his own shares as collateral.