Chapter 85, Mo Xiuyuan, my ability is limited

In the ward.

Lu Man pursed her lips and looked at the stains on his body. “I’m sorry.”

Mo Xiuyuan did not care. He just picked up a napkin and helped her wipe the corner of her mouth.

Lu Man did not refuse.

Her body’s rejection of food also made her feel a little unspeakable panic.

“Don’t eat it yet,”the Doctor said, “I’ll give you some nutrient solution to ensure your body’s needs. Then, we’ll take a look to see if your appetite was affected by the pregnancy yesterday, even though such a thing has almost never happened in the clinic. “But there’s a precedent for everything. Mrs. Mo, don’t be nervous. Maintaining a happy mood is the most important thing.”


After the Doctor finished his instructions, he personally watched the nurse give her the infusion before he left.

When he left, he called Mo Xiuyuan.

The entire Ward was quiet again.

Lu Man Man lay on the bed and was silent for a long time.

A long time.

The phone suddenly rang.