Chapter 54 love needs to be expressed.

Lu Man pushed open the door of the last guest room on the first floor.

She stood at the door and looked at the huge room in front of her with her big belly.

Then she saw him.

Mo Xiuyuan.

Seeing him appear in her field of vision, seeing him look at her like that.

Some emotions would rise and fall crazily in her heart like a wild wolf.

Her eyes instantly turned red, indicating that she really couldn’t control her impulses.

Mo Xiuyuan.

You’re still alive, you’re still alive, why are you hiding from me? !

Isn’t it just two crippled legs? !

Even if you just stand there and don’t move, even if you only have a beating heart and everything is broken, I don’t care.

Her footsteps moved forward.

She moved closer to him.

And he was very silent.

He silently watched her excited look that could not be concealed. He watched her tears flow down her eyes one by one, one by one, and instantly, tears welled up in her eyes.