Chapter 21, exposure

In the huge bedroom.

Ye Heng looked at Tang Yaoyao indifferently. He looked at her as if she was really trying her best to control her emotions. She was really panicking.

He actually didn’t quite understand why Tang Yaoyao was so afraid of the exposure of this incident.

He admitted that being exposed like this was a little passive, but it wouldn’t really be like Tang Yaoyao, who was scared to this extent.

“Young Master Ye.”Tang Yaoyao saw that ye Heng hadn’t expressed his stance, and she became even more flustered.

She didn’t know how to Tell Ye Heng so that he could feel her emotions. She was a little flustered right now, and in her mind, she kept thinking about how the media would discredit her if she was exposed, how would the other competitors in the entertainment industry see her as a joke, especially Jiangnan... and even more, they would use those bad words to scold Ye Chu..