Chapter 67: the beginning of the matter (6) I thought you wouldn’t lie to me

City Center Private Hospital.

Mo Yino went to the hospital for a checkup, and her parents accompanied her.

Life is really a very magical existence.

Four months of the little guy in there, what on Earth are you doing? !

She watched the Doctor very skillfully rolling back and forth on her lower abdomen, the feeling of imagining two lives brewing in her body, is really wonderful.

Women who were not pregnant really could not understand this heartfelt happiness.

Of course.

It would be even more perfect if the man who had gotten himself pregnant could be by her side.

The Doctor said that the results of the examination were all normal. He told Mo Yinan to pay more attention to his usual lifestyle. There was no need to deliberately be overly careful because of pregnancy. Although life was a magical process.., it was also a product of nature, so there was no need to treat it too specially.

The Doctor also said a lot, and Mo Yinan remembered all of it.