Chapter 71, I Love You, Mo Yino.

“Ye Chu, do you want to know how I feel about everything you’ve told me today?”Mo Yino asked him seriously.

Ye Chu was actually a little nervous.

He looked at Mo Yino and nodded his head vigorously.

At that moment, he was clearly facing death as if he was home!

“I’m very touched,”Mo Yino said word by word.

Ye Chu looked straight at her.

“Even though you’re really stupid,”Mo Yino said straightforwardly.

Ye Chu was a little shy.

“Do you know? “If you didn’t tell me this, I would never know what you were thinking. I would never know that you’ve given so much for me. This kind of mutual speculation and suspicion will really make our relationship worry about gains and losses. It’s not you who’s worried about me. Even I feel that this relationship is worrying about gains and losses,”Mo Yino said, “I’m also afraid that you won’t like me all of a sudden because before you told me everything, I thought that you liked me all of a sudden. And that kind of sudden change is too easy!”