
[ Is there something wrong with my eyes? Who's going to wake me up? ]

[ Can I say that it's a little beautiful? Am I alone? ]

[ You're not the only one in front. Eh, why do I feel like I'm scolding you? But please be more confident and remove the 'a little' part. I think she's really beautiful. ]

[ F*ck, am I supposed to say that the Heavenly Spirit Princess in my heart is like this? ]

[ Tsk, you guys are too naive. You guys even believe in edited photos? I'll make you look like a fairy in minutes. ]

[ That's right. Hasn't Xia Photoshop done a lot of things? She takes advantage of her good looks and fixes especially beautiful photos every time. In the end, she collapses the moment the drama is released. Her parents don't even recognize her. ]

What aroused intense discussion was the three photos posted on Weibo.