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"Hey, were they talking about Jun Shiling just now?"

When the group of students walked past, Su Mei said in surprise.

"That's right. Why would Jun Shiling appear here? This is really Qing University, how amazing. They even managed to invite Jun Shiling."

As Xia Yu listened to their discussion, he suddenly recalled that he had not seen the little dumpling for a long time.

"Aish, I probably won't have the chance to meet a god-like big shot like Jun Shiling in my life." Su Mei pursed his lips. "The most amazing person I've ever seen in my life was the city's leader when I went back as a volunteer. That was enough for me to brag about for a long time."

"We have to hurry back to school. It'll be rush hour soon, so we have to stand the whole way back."

The four of them quickened their pace and walked out of the campus, waiting at the bus stop.