Xia Wanyuan Sends Food to the Company

Xia Wanyuan looked at Xuan Sheng's teasing gaze and recalled that Xuan Sheng had seen her and Jun Shiling together at the lecture previously.

With a thought, she understood who the canary Xuan Sheng was referring to.

"I couldn't tell that you liked canaries. I thought that you should like lizards." Xia Wanyuan's tone turned cold. She looked straight at Xuan Sheng and gathered her aura. Xuan Sheng could feel the change in Xia Wanyuan almost instantly.

Before Xuan Sheng could speak further, Xia Wanyuan greeted Shen Qian and left, ignoring Xuan Sheng.

Xuan Sheng looked at Xia Wanyuan's back in shock. He was stunned for a moment before asking his assistant, "What's so special about lizards?"

The assistant hesitated and did not dare to speak.

"Lizards have long tongues," Shen Qian said from the other side of the table. He added, "And they're ugly."