Domineering Sister Protection

Xia Yu had buried himself in bed and deleted and edited this Weibo post for a long time. After much consideration, he finally wrote a clarification post that he felt was satisfactory.

"Haha, I'm very rich, thank you. Also, @ Xia Wanyuan, this is my sister, my biological sister. (To prevent you from continuing to slander my sister, I want to clarify that the child who appeared in the previous live-stream was from my cousin's family.)"

Then, Xia Yu attached two photos to the post.

In the first picture, there was a black card lying quietly. Other than the golden words "INFINITE" in the middle of the card, there were no other signs or words.

The second picture was a screenshot of Xia Wanyuan's usual WeChat conversation with Xia Yu. It was all about Xia Wanyuan asking him what he needed and reminding him to put on more clothes when the weather turned cold to prevent a cold.