Dreams in the Clouds

She got into the car with Jun Shiling and drove past the tall buildings towards the suburbs.

Even in the car, Jun Shiling did not neglect his work. Xia Wanyuan watched him flip through the documents page by page and sighed in her heart.

"I think what you said last time was wrong," Xia Wanyuan suddenly said.

"Huh?" Taking his attention away from the document, Jun Shiling looked at Xia Wanyuan with confusion in his eyes.

"If you weren't the head of the Jun family, the Jun family wouldn't have developed so well."

Upon hearing Xia Wanyuan's words, the corners of Jun Shiling's lips curled up. "Are you praising me?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Xia Wanyuan retorted.

Jun Shiling's smile became even more obvious. "I'm very honored to be praised by you. It'll be a while before we reach. Let me chat with you for a while."

"Sure. Do you guys do this every day when going to work? You don't stop reading the documents."