Daddy, Do You Love Mommy?

"Wanyuan? Are you listening?" Qin Wu asked curiously.

He took the phone and glanced at it to confirm that the signal was still connected. He could not help but wonder why no one spoke when the call connected.

"She's in the shower. What's the matter?"

A low and magnetic male voice sounded from the phone. Qin Wu was stunned.

"Is this Xia Wanyuan's phone?" Qin Wu asked with the last bit of hope.


A deep voice sounded from the other end. Just one word destroyed Qin Wu's mental defenses. "I'm sorry, I'm her colleague. I didn't know… I just wanted to remind her not to be late for the variety show recording tomorrow. I didn't mean to disturb you. Goodbye."

After speaking, Qin Wu hung up the phone.

It was late at night and Xia Wanyuan was taking a shower when a man picked up the phone. It was obvious what their relationship was.