Confrontation at the Auction

"Really? You said yesterday that Nanny Li's chicken wings were the best dish you've ever eaten."

After being mercilessly exposed by Xia Wanyuan, Xiao Bao puffed up his cheeks guiltily.

"Anyway, Mommy, your food is the best. Nanny Li's are the second best!"

"Thank you for your good evaluation, Xiao Bao ~" Xia Wanyuan patted Xiao Bao's soft and cute head. Jun Shiling's eyes were filled with warmth when he saw this scene.

That day, when the management of the Jun Corporation refreshed their WeChat Moments as usual, they suddenly saw a nine-collage story. In the nine photos, sweet and sour pork whetted one's appetite, and the prawns looked fair and tender. In the middle of the night, they were extremely appetizing.

However, there were only four dishes and he had posted nine photos. There must be something wrong with this person, everyone thought to themselves.