I Love You

Xia Wanyuan turned to look at Jun Shiling. In the past, Jun Shiling would always kick up a fuss because he called her Sister Wanyuan. Today, he was surprisingly quiet as he looked out of the window, which made Xia Wanyuan a little uncomfortable.

"He's looking for me because the Wei family's old madam wants to see me," Xia Wanyuan suddenly said as if she had thought of something.


"He told me that there might be another reason for my mother's death."

"Mm." Jun Shiling still looked out of the window and did not turn around.

"Wei Zimu gave me a fan. It's pretty cool. I feel like he really treats me as his sister, the kind of person who is close to his family, although I don't know why he treats me so well."

"Mm." Jun Shiling's aura gradually softened under Xia Wanyuan's words.