Successfully Saving People

Wang Hui went to the front to take a look. In the living room, the leaders were sitting on both sides. An extremely young and handsome man with a golden star on his clothes was sitting in the middle.

Wang Hui's level was not enough for him to sit in the living room, so he stood at the side.

"I wonder what business you have here?" The military leader asked carefully.

He was actually so young. The younger generation in China was indeed outstanding.

"My sister-in-law has a younger brother who is training at your place. It's break time now, right? I want to visit him." Bo Xiao put down the glass of water and looked at the people in the hall.

"Of course not. What's his name? We'll call him over immediately." Knowing that he was not here for an inspection, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. He just wanted to see a relative. What was wrong with that?

"Xia Yu." The moment Bo Xiao said this, everyone in the hall was stunned.