You Look Good

It was not easy to find the "Lilac Lady" in the rain. After all, there were many people coming and going in Suhang Ancient Town every day. There was no human face in this photo, only a fair chin.

In the fan group of a certain Xia Wanyuan named "Little Dumpling", someone saw this photo and shared it in the group. He carefully said, "Don't you think this photo looks a little like our Yuan Yuan?"

The other fans opened the photos and took a look. "Yes, they really look alike."

Fans had always been extremely familiar with their idol. Even with a glance or a small movement, they could recognize their idol in the crowd.

Xia Wanyuan's temperament was very unique. When the fans saw her elegant temperament, they felt that she was their idol, Xia Wanyuan.

"Shh, don't go out and spout nonsense. If it's not, we're going to make things difficult for Yuan Yuan again. Squat down and take a proper look before admitting."