CEO Jun Is Amazing

Wang Liu had been brought to Dongshan Village by the traffickers the previous day. The people in the provincial office were quite particular. They were afraid of offending Xia Wanyuan, so they specially asked Wang Liu to tidy herself up.

Her bare face could not hide her youthful beauty. Under the large police uniform, she looked very charming.

The people in the provincial office opened the car door and Wang Liu got into the car. She said timidly, "Thank you, Sister, for saving me. If not for you, I definitely wouldn't have had a chance to live now."

Thinking of her miserable life after being kidnapped, Wang Liu's eyes could not help but overflow with tears.

"It's nothing. Isn't it fine now?" Xia Wanyuan saw that she was crying pitifully and comforted her.

Wang Liu looked up at Xia Wanyuan, but her gaze was snatched away by the powerful and extremely handsome man beside her. Wang Liu was stunned for a moment before looking away.