Xiao Bao's a Little Miserable

"China's Poetry Meet" had been held for many episodes, and there had been many talented big shots who had been popular. However, none of them answered without hesitation like Xia Wanyuan without a mistake.

Xia Wanyuan's answering was too smooth, as if she had memorized the answer beforehand.

[ Emmmm, although it's a national television station, I can't help but ask, is there really no conspiracy? ]

[ Something too perfect looks a little fake, but I can't figure out why the national television station would fake it for Xia Wanyuan. I'm speechless. ]

[ Do you have evidence? You're talking nonsense here. If she really has high standards when the time comes, won't you slap your faces swollen? ]

[ Pfft, look at those questions. They cover everything. If Xia Wanyuan is really so amazing, why didn't Qing University invite her to be a professor? I'm dying of laughter. ]