
The style of the song Fang Jin wrote was extremely fast and passionate, overflowing with the passion of summer.

The style that Mu Feng had designed for Xia Wanyuan was very different from her usual style. Her ponytail was tied up high, and she was wearing sports shoes and a white T-shirt with watermelon prints. Her entire person exuded youthful vigor.

What made Jun Shiling's expression darken was Xia Wanyuan's straight and slender legs. Normally, they were not obvious hidden in her dress. Now, a simple pair of denim shorts made Xia Wanyuan's legs look slender and straight.

Xia Wanyuan glanced at Jun Shiling and knew that he was sulking again. She leaned into his arms and called out tentatively, "Jun Shiling?"

"Hmph." Jun Shiling snorted softly, but he did not push Xia Wanyuan away. He only tightened his grip on her.

Fang Jin also swept away his lazy appearance in the waiting room. A simple T-shirt with the beach printed on it made him look young.