
"Yuanyuan, why are you back?" Father Xia was playing with the child in the cradle with the turning drum in his hand. It was very strange to see Han Yuan return. Didn't she always take a day to come back every time she went out with those sisters?

"I didn't want to eat anymore, so I came back." Han Yuan sat on the sofa and brushed her hair. "I heard something. Your daughter has become a professor at Qing University."

"Professor at Qing University? How is that possible?" Father Xia didn't believe it at all.

"Forget it if you don't believe me. Go and watch the news yourself. Your daughter really knows how to package herself. She even dares to buy the title of the great professor." Thinking of Xia Wanyuan taking the company for herself, Han Yuan was furious.

After a while, Father Xia did not speak. Han Yuan found it strange and looked at Father Xia. She saw that his eyes were fixed on her wrist.