Camellia Model

This kind of grievance that made you roll up your sleeves and prepare to go all out but realized that not only did the other party ignore you, but he also locked the door, causing you to not even see him, instantly ignited the anger of the fans.

Everyone hung up Jun Shiling's 111111111 account.

"Can the CP fans of Sovereign Summer be any more shameless? I'm really speechless. Even stanning has to have a limit. Don't you find it disgusting to say such things with such a name?"

Such comments were everywhere in the hyperbole. At first, everyone tolerated it, but later on, they could not.

"We can't control this kind of retard! Now, Sovereign Summer hyperbole has officially announced that @ Jun Shiling1111111 is an anti-fan. All his actions have nothing to do with this hyperbole."

Hence, after Jun Shiling's 111111111 account entered Jun Shiling and Xia Wanyuan's fan club black list, it once again went on the blacklist of Sovereign Summer's fan club.