Chaos and Desperation

Rain pattered outside the window, and the morning fog covered the lake with a veil.

"Madam, you're really good at chess. I'm ashamed of my inferiority." Jun Shiling looked at Xia Wanyuan in admiration.

Xia Wanyuan was not as gentle as she looked when she played chess. Instead, her aura was like a rainbow, overflowing with a bold and domineering aura.

It was as if she was really riding a magnificent army with the real murderous aura of the battlefield.

Jun Shiling's deep gaze landed on Xia Wanyuan.

How did Xia Wanyuan have such a powerful killing intent?

Sensing Jun Shiling's gaze, Xia Wanyuan looked up. "What's wrong?"

"Madam, you have the talent to rule the world and the ability to arrange troops." Jun Shiling smiled and seemed to sigh. "I'm so lucky."

"Arrange troops?" Xia Wanyuan looked at Jun Shiling with a faint smile. "How can you tell?"