Princess—Beauty Trap

Variety programs like "Endless Challenge" had always been focused on satisfying the curiosity of the audience, so the filming process was extremely confidential.

Because they had signed a confidentiality agreement, before the program was broadcast, everyone was silent about the filming content.

However, after a day of filming, the entire production team's impression of Xia Wanyuan changed greatly and they praised her in all sorts of ways.

"I really didn't expect Miss Xia to know so many things and have such good stamina." After a day of high-intensity projects, the director who filmed felt tired, but Xia Wanyuan acted as if nothing had happened.

Director Wang could not help but wonder if he was too old. Could it be that I should buy some ginseng soup to nourish myself tonight?

Director Wang looked at Lin Xuan, who was leaning against the wall and panting with a pale face not far away. He regained his confidence.