Lady Boss?! Ha

After the day of filming, An Rao held Xia Wanyuan's arm and returned to the hotel. Her eyes were filled with admiration for Xia Wanyuan.

"Sister!! You're too cool!! Why do you know everything?!"

Facing An Rao's starry eyes, Xia Wanyuan was unmoved. She did not think that it was especially amazing. It was just some very ordinary skills.

An Rao chattered beside Xia Wanyuan and asked questions, not noticing that she had bumped into someone.

"Ah, sorry." An Rao hurriedly apologized.

"It's okay." A smiling voice sounded. An Rao looked up.

It was the dog man who had snatched the cutie from her.

Bo Xiao nodded at Xia Wanyuan, then looked at An Rao.

An Rao was still brooding over the fact that Bo Xiao had taken the little dumpling away. Furthermore, with Bo Xiao's fox-like eyes, he looked at people with an evil aura. An Rao felt uncomfortable all over.