CEO Jun Runs to Continent O Overnight

Wan Rou woke up early and watered the plants in the courtyard before sitting there to read.

"Xiaorou, you woke up so early." Old Master Jun had always woken up early. He didn't expect Wan Rou to wake up earlier than him.

"Grandpa Jun, I'm used to it. When Grandpa was alive, he would bring me to run every morning."

"Damn, Old Wan still likes to exercise so much after not seeing him for so many years." Hearing Wan Rou mention his grandfather, Old Master Jun recalled the days when he used to practice and run with his comrades and sighed.

"Yes, Grandpa often misses his former comrades. He always told me stories about you guys back then." Wan Rou held the book in front of her, her eyes free of dust.

"What did he say?" The old master was interested.

Wan Rou began to tell the old master about what her grandfather had told her, making him laugh out loud.