I'll Give You All the Good in the World

In the end, Xia Wanyuan successfully ate half a chocolate vanilla heart crispy ice cream. The remaining half naturally fell into Jun Shiling's stomach.

Jun Shiling had never liked sweet food. The sweet food he had eaten recently was comparable to the sum of his past twenty years.

Seeing Jun Shiling's unwilling expression, Xia Wanyuan smiled and held Jun Shiling's hand. "The book said that eating sweet food makes one's mood better."

"The books are right." Jun Shiling nodded seriously. "However, ice cream isn't as sweet as you."

Xia Wanyuan instantly sensed danger. Before Jun Shiling could move, she immediately stood up. "I haven't asked you to compensate for the dress yesterday. Can you control yourself?"

The dress that she had bought at Xiu Yi that day did not escape Jun Shiling's eyes in the end.

Xia Wanyuan followed his wishes and wore it. Six hours later, the dress ended its short and gorgeous life.