Eating at the Same Table

As the highest education institution in the country, the threshold for professors at Qing University was quite high. Some people might not be able to reach the edge of Qing University even if they worked hard their entire lives.

If it were other academician masters, those who had no fate with the Qing University could comfort themselves that they did not have enough experience.

However, Xia Wanyuan was still a female celebrity in the entertainment industry at a young age. Not only had she become a professor at Qing University, but she had also stolen the limelight and become a demonstration teacher at Qing University. This was a height that some teachers could not reach even after decades of hard work.

As for Xia Wanyuan, who was praised by the outside world for her profound knowledge, many people scoffed. Those who could reach the level of a professor were all rich. Xia Wanyuan could not convince the public with just her knowledge.