Little Dummy

Bo Xiao sent a settlement map of Mobile Legends.

@ Bo Xiao: "After so many hardships, I finally brought a certain little fool along with me to Glory."

In the picture, Li Bai's results killed 17 heads, died once, and 16 assists.

[ 666666, there's nothing wrong with this Li Bai. ]

[ I'm stunned. Could a certain little fool be referring to An Rao? F*ck???? Is this an official announcement??? But An Rao is pretty good at playing this Xiao Qiao. ]

The passers-by who did not know what was going on thought that An Rao was playing the cute Xiao Qiao.

However, the fans who knew their idol's account well were silent for a moment before explaining.

[ No… The person who gave 16 heads is An Rao… An Rao hates playing heroes like Xiao Qiao the most. ]

[ An Rao's gaming standards can't be described with words anymore. Bo Xiao actually brought An Rao to Glory. As An Rao's fan… I just want to exclaim that Bo Xiao is amazing. ]