Pair Pool ~~

Seeing Jun Shiling covered in water, a victorious smile flashed across Xia Wanyuan's eyes.

"CEO Jun, your physical strength isn't too good currently. I just pulled casually and you fell."

Jun Shiling stood up from the water and wiped the water off his face.

Xia Wanyuan, who was in front of him, had an innocent expression, but the craftiness in her eyes could not be hidden.

Jun Shiling was originally wearing a full suit, but it was now completely soaked.

Jun Shiling took off his coat and threw it by the pool.

The white shirt was soaked in water and stuck tightly to his muscles, outlining his figure that made one's face heat up.

Xia Wanyuan was only focused on teasing Jun Shiling. Later on, she finally realized that the situation was wrong.

"Xiao Bao is back, right? I'll go and tutor him." Xia Wanyuan turned to go ashore.

However, Jun Shiling pulled her back and pressed her against the pool wall.