Mysterious Island

Xia Wanyuan was deep in thought, unconsciously eating the food Jun Shiling handed her.

Suddenly biting on something soft, Xia Wanyuan lowered her head to take a look and hurriedly spat out Jun Shiling's finger. "Why didn't you remind me?"

"What are you thinking about? You're so engrossed in your thoughts. I'm just passing you a bun, and you still bit me." Jun Shiling retracted his hand, his heart fluttering from the sensation of Xia Wanyuan biting him.

"Peng Bei has disappeared." Xia Wanyuan had not seen this person on set for the past few days. She looked at Jun Shiling. "You did this?"

"I sent him to where he should be." Jun Shiling took a glass of milk. "Come back early tonight."



To everyone's surprise in the production team,

Everyone thought that Chen Xiaoguo would definitely take a few days off after such a huge incident. However, they did not expect Chen Xiaoguo to come to the production team so early.