The Princess Slaps Face This is Fake

Until the end of the tour, Xia Wanyuan was still looking at the painting in the display case.

Professor Lin walked over. "Professor Xia, if you're interested in this, I can help you contact a history professor at Hanchuan University."

Xia Wanyuan returned to her senses and shook her head. "No, thank you."

Even if she wanted to contact the professor, she could ask Jun Shiling for help.

Jun Shiling didn't like her to look for others when she needed help, and she knew this. She didn't want to make Jun Shiling unhappy because of these things.

"Fine, I'll take you back to the hotel." Professor Lin tried again but was still rejected.

A passing student posted a photo of Professor Lin gazing at Xia Wanyuan online.

The netizens of Country Han were filled with lemons.

Meanwhile, the Chinese netizens felt proud.

[Let the foreign countries see how beautiful our Chinese beauties are!]