CEO Jun Cried...

After receiving the coach's affirmation, even the usually calm Principal Yang could not control his expression.

"Professor Xia can participate in the World Championships with her skills?"

"Yes, Principal Yang. I think Professor Xia should train more. Maybe she can represent the country to participate in the Olympics next year." The coach looked serious.

"Alright, I'll talk to her then." Principal Yang waved his hand and sighed. "What kind of treasure did we bring back?"

This wouldn't do. I had to see if any of her relatives were elites or elites. With Xia Wanyuan's good genes, I have to snatch her for my own family first.

In the manor, Jun Shiling was rubbing Xia Wanyuan's leg. After walking for so long in high heels, Xia Wanyuan's leg was a little sore.

"When did you start practicing martial arts?" Jun Shiling asked casually.

"Three." Xia Wanyuan leaned lazily on Jun Shiling's shoulder.