Princess Oil Painting

With that, Xia Wanyuan sat on a chair and ignored the people around her.

At that moment, the theme sent by Master Danny appeared on the big screen in the garden.

Just one word.


Looking at this theme, everyone present thought that the master was indeed a master. Even the first topic was so difficult. Xia Wanyuan looked at this word and finally felt that this competition was interesting.

Painting was not a simple application of the paint, but the layers and rich changes in color were important.

Whether a painter had excellent skills depended on whether he could grasp the spatial changes of the characters in the scenery and the colors of the entire painting in the changing light.

The others were clearly stumped by this question. Painting was not difficult. The difficult thing was to draw a painting that could attract the attention of the judges in three hours.

Xia Wanyuan thought for a while and began to mix the paint.