Happy Chinese Valentines, Give Me Dog Food

The helicopter brought the two of them to the highest building in the city center. Jun Shiling held Xia Wanyuan's hand and entered the room.

The room was filled with the fragrantless flowers that Xia Wanyuan liked. On all sides were French windows that could look down on the entire city. At this moment, the sky had darkened, and the sea of lights outside the window was connected to one another, shining.

"Happy Valentine's Day." Jun Shiling hugged her from behind.

"Valentine's Day?" Xia Wanyuan reacted. She had been busy with the competition these few days and had forgotten that today was China's traditional Valentine's Day.

In her previous life, she had only celebrated the Double Seventh Festival when her mother was still alive. Later on, she did not have the mood to celebrate such a feminine festival.