The Smell of Spring

Even though Jun Shiling had been stopping her, most of the fish on the table still entered Xia Wanyuan's stomach.

"That's not nice." Jun Shiling looked at Xia Wanyuan with a little heartache. He did not know how to cook fish. He had just tasted it and the fish meat was a little overcooked.

"It's nothing. What you make is delicious." Xia Wanyuan felt that his feelings were more important. It was rare for Jun Shiling to make it, so she did not want to pour cold water on him.

Jun Shiling liked it the most when Xia Wanyuan pampered him. He couldn't help but lean over and be pushed by Xia Wanyuan. Only then did he notice Xia Yu, who was holding a cup of water to cover his face.

"Um, not only have I caught a cold recently, but my eyes seem to be a little problematic too. I can't even see the way clearly," Xia Yu said as he groped around. "I'm going to my room to look for my glasses." Then, he slipped out of the living room.