The Princess Forced the Troublemaker to Back Off

Not only was Master Danny in disbelief, but even the teachers and students who had been with Xia Wanyuan all day were stunned. They looked at the painting on the big screen.

The teachers who specialized in oil painting looked at each other.

"Isn't Teacher Xia good at landscape painting?"

"That's right. I've never heard that she does oil paintings well." The teachers thought.

On the rostrum, although the vice principal was not familiar with art appreciation, he could tell from everyone's reaction and the shock that Xia Wanyuan's painting gave them that he had definitely done the right thing to let Xia Wanyuan go on stage this time.

"I really haven't learned much about oil paintings."

It was true that she had never learned Western painting, but she had seen many works of Western masters and had copied a few of them. She still knew the principle. As for the basic skills, she sued the essence of Chinese paintings.