An Rao and Bo Xiao Live Broadcast

Fifteen minutes later, Xia Wanyuan's camera finally switched on.

"I'm sorry, I can turn it on now."

After Xia Wanyuan finished speaking, she looked at the comments and they were a field of lemons again.

[ Next, let's welcome CEO Xia to show off her wealth. ]

[ I just want to say that I can tell from the interior of Xia Wanyuan's car that the lowest configuration of this car is tens of millions. However, clearly, Xia Wanyuan probably had the best combination. ]

[ Lemons surrounded me. ]

"I'm not flaunting my wealth. I'll interact with everyone today. In a while, I'll have a lucky draw for everyone on Weibo." Xia Wanyuan felt that since it was a live broadcast, she had to make everyone happy, so she wanted to have a lucky draw for some prizes for her fans.