You Won't Die If You Don't Act

"What did you say?" Shi Tian looked at Liu Xingchuan in disbelief. "Didn't you hate me to death?? Didn't you hate our Shi family to death? Hahaha, you can actually do this for that woman."

Liu Xingchuan had clearly agreed to remarry, but Shi Tian's heart felt like it was being cut by a knife.

"I, Shi Tiantian, am bad, but even if I let the world down, I've never let you down, Liu Xingchuan. Ask yourself, do I love you less than that Tang Yin?!" Shi Tian could not maintain the calmness on her face anymore and shouted at Liu Xingchuan, almost breaking down.

Liu Xingchuan watched Shi Tian break down and cry coldly. He clenched his fists tightly. "Where is the original copy of the photo? Hand it over and we can remarry now."

"Pfft." Shi Tian pointed at a box on the table. "This is it."

Liu Xingchuan opened the box. There were a lot of photos and a flash drive that stored the negatives. Liu Xingchuan's heart relaxed.