The Jun Corporation Protects the Princess

Xia Wanyuan turned around, nestled in Jun Shiling's arms, typed a message, and posted it. Then, she switched off her phone.

"I don't want to get up." Her hand had been outside for a long time and was a little cold. Xia Wanyuan reached out to hug Jun Shiling's waist, but Jun Shiling grabbed it and placed it on himself to warm her.

"Then don't get up." Jun Shiling originally wanted to get up and exercise. Seeing Xia Wanyuan like this, he also felt a little tired. "Are you busy today?"

"Fortunately, I don't need to go out today." The production team's filming was almost done, and there were no classes in school. It was rare for Xia Wanyuan to have a day off.

"Then I'll accompany you at home." Jun Shiling kissed Xia Wanyuan's forehead.

The blanket was warm and filled with Jun Shiling's aura. Xia Wanyuan felt as if she was soaked in a soft cloud. She rubbed lazily in Jun Shiling's arms. "Sleep a while more."