Opening the Gift

Mother An roughly glanced at it and saw those insults. Her blood pressure instantly soared. "What's going on?"

"I heard that your daughter has a good friend in the entertainment industry. She's standing up for her." The colleague saw that Mother An's expression was not right and added fuel to the fire. "Aiyo, you don't know how many people An Rao scolded. They were all famous painters in the country and the newspaper you read every day. She scolded them really fiercely."

"I couldn't tell, Teacher Li. Why isn't your daughter like you at all?" The other teachers surrounded her.

Father An was a small official with real power locally, and An Lin had worked hard to get into the second largest university in Beijing. The sense of superiority that Mother An usually exuded had already made everyone very unbalanced. Now that they had a chance, everyone gathered and discussed noisily.