Control the Crowd

Other than An Rao, who was satisfied with eating under Bo Xiao's care, everyone else felt a little tasteless at this banquet.

Especially the table of juniors where Xia Wanyuan was sitting at.

Old Madam Wei had just announced a while ago that she was going to transfer her power to the next generation at the end of the year. Now that she had so openly acknowledged Xia Wanyuan, it was impossible not to think about it.

Fortunately, Xia Wanyuan had just called her Grandma, so they were a little relieved.

Old Madam Wei had three daughters, and her eldest and second daughters all had their husbands marry in. Hence, Wei Yu, Wei Yang, and the other juniors called Old Madam Wei 'Paternal Grandma'. They were the direct descendants of the Wei family.

And Xia Wanyuan, this maternal granddaughter, was ultimately separated by a layer.

After the banquet, Jun Shiling was about to leave.