
Xia Wanyuan looked at An Rao's expression and then at the report in her hand. "You're pregnant?"

An Rao suddenly reacted and got into the car with a tearful expression. She did not expect it to be so accurate. She was not prepared at all.

An Rao placed her hand on her flat stomach and looked at Xia Wanyuan. "Sister, can you believe that there's a small life here?"

"Are you going to keep him?"

An Rao was stunned for a moment, although she felt that it was very sudden. After all, it was still a child. Although she could no longer wear beautiful clothes with a baby, although she had to avoid all kinds of food when she was pregnant,

she had never thought of not wanting him. This was the fruit of her and Bo Xiao's love. "Of course I have to keep it. You have to be his godmother."

"Okay, let's go to our house tonight to celebrate." Xia Wanyuan was also looking forward to this little life.